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Running Blue in Simulation

This tutorial describes how to launch an implemented vehicle in Gazebo with the Gazebo hydrodynamics plugins. Our tests have found that Gazebo provides a good representation of underwater vehicle dynamics. Alternative, untested underwater simulation options that can be used with ROS 2 include:

We recommend exploring each simulation option to determine what best fits your project's needs.


This tutorial has the following dependencies:

  • Gazebo Garden or newer
  • ardusub_driver (for use with the BlueROV2 vehicle models)

These dependencies will be met by default if you have installed Blue with Docker as described in the installation instructions.

Tutorial steps

To launch a supported vehicle in Gazebo, run the following command:

ros2 launch blue_bringup <model-name>.launch.yaml use_sim:=true

where <model-name> should be replaced with the name of the desired vehicle. For instance, to launch Gazebo using the BlueROV2, run

ros2 launch blue_bringup bluerov2.launch.yaml use_sim:=true

This should bringup Gazebo, ArduSub, and MAVROS. To test that the BlueROV2 has been launched correctly, try changing the ArduSub flight mode by running the following command in a new terminal:

ros2 service call /mavros/set_mode mavros_msgs/srv/SetMode "{base_mode: 0, custom_mode: 'STABILIZE'}"

which, if successful, should change the flight mode to STABILIZE.